Bentley WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition Help

Export to Shapefile

It is possible to export model elements and data to create a shapefile. Unlike the other export features in WaterGEMS CONNECT, the export to shapefile operation occurs in a FlexTable as opposed to the File > Export menu. Shapefiles must be created one element type at a time. That means there will be a separate shapefile to junctions, pipes, tanks, etc.

To create a shapefile, open the FlexTable for the type of element. Use selection sets or filtering to reduce the size of the FlexTable to what is desired in the shapefile. Use the table edit feature to eliminate any columns that are not desired.

When FlexTable is in correct form, pick the first button at the top left of the table which is the Export button. A Specify File Name to Export dialog ill open, allowing you to specify the file name and path for the shapefile. When the user names the file and clicks Save, the dialog below appears.

It is important to insure that any shapefile field names are less than or equal to 10 characters. The default name for shapefile field is the name of the column in the FlexTable. (If the user changes the name to something different from the FlexTable column name, the editor remembers it when other shapefiles are created from this table.) Once the names are acceptable, hit OK to create the shapefile. A shapefile consisting of .dbf, .shx and .shp files are created.